Friday, July 10, 2015

CHRISTENDOM Series: Others / Mormon


But though we, or an angel from heaven,
preach any other gospel unto you
than that which we have preached unto you,
let him be accursed.
Galatians 1:8

CHRISTENDOM Series Outline Link:

One of the characteristics of "others" on the continuum of Christendom is usually a rejection of the Trinity/Godhead of God, Christ & the Holy Spirit. (*the charismatic subgroup of Apostolic
charismatics & the bridge group between Evangelical Protestants & Others, Armstrongism, do this too). Usually they will be Binitarian (belief in the Father & Son as eternal or divine, but not the Holy Spirit) or some type of Arianism (God being eternal, the Son being either a created being or not divine until the cross, with the Spirit being a force God sends out from Himself). Also, they might believe in just God the Father, sort of a Unitarian type of Trinitarian view.
They also may write their own Bible or claim they have some writings to "fix" the Bible. This, among some other odd beliefs.

---the Big 2---

Mormons -1830, started by Joseph Smith in upstate New York. He claimed to be a prophet and received the book of Mormon from the angel Moroni. They use the
Bible, & books of Mormon, Pearl of Great Price and Doctrine of Covenants. The last two are where they get most of their strange doctrines from. They claim these new writings are to restore Christianity back to the truth. In other words, to "fix" the Bible.
On the Trinity, when Mormons talk about "God" or "Christ", they do NOT mean the same thing Christians mean. For example, "God" is NOT eternal. He was a man who went through a test down here and passed then got his own planet with his wife to have "spirit children" to fill it. (which is what we are supposed to be-going through our test down here). And Christ was the first son of this "God", and given charge of this planet. Lucifer is the second oldest, and came down here to mess things up because he was jealous. So they make Lucifer Christ's physical brother (and us too).
They believe in a sort of universalism, where the only lost will be ex-Mormons. -- Married Mormons who do a special sealing ceremony in a Temple get a planet. All other Mormons become the angels. All "good" non-Mormons get to go back to the planet with the "God" of this planet. And all the wicked will become "good" & get to live for eternity on this planet remade. About 6,000,000 members. Mormons also accept evolution. They use to espouse the Adam - God Doctrine (but not now except for many of the offshoot groups) which claims that Adam was the Father God of earth. They also had hymns about it in their hymnals. They also believe in baptism of the dead.
Community of Christ - 1860, followers of the descendants of Joseph Smith. Headquartered in Missouri, they are basically liberal Mormons, who have women ordination and are LGBT friendly. About 130,000 members.

Splinter Groups-  Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (usually distinguished with a parenthetical (Strangite) - 1844, followers of a man who
claimed he was to be the rightful leader after Smith's murder because the angel Moroni came down & laid hands on him. Church of Jesus Christ (Cutlerite) - 1853, began by those rejecting the church structure set up by Smith. Only 12 members left. Church of Jesus Christ (Bickertonite church) - 1862, followers of Rigdon who claimed to be the rightful heir of Smith, rather than Brigham Young who was chosen leader. About 19,000 members. Church of Christ (Temple Lot) - 1863, rejected sme of the Mormon writings as inspired. About 5,000 members. Order of Enoch - 1884, belief in reincarnation. The founder predicted that Joseph Smith would be born as Jesus in Jerusalem in 1912. Very few left.  LeBaron group - 1924, sort of began as an extended polygamous family clan named for the founder. About 250 members. Church of
Christ at Halley's Bluff  - 1932, defected from the Temple Lot in opposition to some of the visions. About 100 members. Latter Day Church of Christ - 1935, split off to follow plural marriage. About 3,000 members. Church of Christ (Restored) - 1937, split from the Temple Lot over visions. About 400 members. House of Aaron - 1943, to set up a Levitical priesthood. About 1,000 members. Church of Christ with the Elijah Message - 1943, split from the Temple Lot over the validity of certain visions from John the Baptist. About 12,000 members. Zion's Order - 1951, split from the House of Aaron. Less than 100 members. Apostolic United
Brethren - 1954, followers of prophet Allred, who believes in plural marriage. About 10,000 members. Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints - 1954, strong belief in plural marriage, lots of run ins with the law. About 8,000 members. Perfected Church of Jesus Christ of Immaculate Latter-day Saints - 1955, started by a man who claimed
to be the reincarnation of the angel Moroni.Church of Jesus Christ (Drewites) - 1965, split over leadership from Strangites.  Church of Israel - 1972, 7th Day Sabbath keeping Mormons. Church of Jesus Christ in Solemn Assembly - 1974, split from the Apostolic United Brethren under a leader who allows gay, atheist & Catholics to join the group. About 400 members. Church of the New Covenant in Christ - 1975, followers of a man who claims to receive visions from John the disciple. Rejects polygamy. A few hundred members split between Utah & Oregon. Righteous Branch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - 1978, split from the Apostolic United Brethren to follow another leader. About 200 members. Restored Church of Jesus Christ - 1980, schism from the Culterites. They reject the Holy Spirit as a being.
Church of Jesus Christ (Toneyite) - 1980, the founder slit from the Community of Christ and claims to personally be Elijah. The Church of Jesus Christ - 1983, the founder of this small sect demands his followers pray in his name. Centennial Park - 1984, split over leadership. The leader claims visions from Joseph Smith. About 1,500 members. Church of Christ - 1985, split from the Community of Christ. Believe in keeping the Jewish ceremonial festivals. Church of Jesus Christ (Zion's Branch) - 1986, split from the Community of Christ in opposition to women ordination. About 200 members. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the Kingdom of God - 1990, split from the Centennial Group to follow another leader who had visions of Joseph Smith, and strong advocates of the Adam-God doctrine. About 300 members. Restoration Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints - 1990, split from the Community of Christ in defiance of women ordination. A few hundred members. Independent RLDS - 1993, semi independent congregations from the Community of Christ who are upset with doctrinal changes. About 10,000 members. True and Living Church of Jesus Christ of
Saints of the Last Days
- 1994, began as a survivalist group focused on end time events. About 500 members. Remnant Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints - 1995, split from the Community of Christ in opposition to allowing non-descendants of Joseph Smith the Presidency. About 2,000 members. Church of Jesus Christ Restored 1830 - 2000, claims to be the pure Mormons who follow the teachings as set forth in 1830. Church of the Firstborn and the General Assembly of Heaven - 2001, followers of Terrill Dalton who claims to be the Holy Spirit. Church of Jesus Christ (Original Doctrine) - 2002, split from Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints over the excommunication of a leader. About 700 members. The Assured Way - 2004, splinter group led by a man with visions of visits by John the Baptist.