Saturday, July 11, 2015

CHRISTENDOM Series: Jehovah's Witnesses

But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false
teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them,
2 Peter 2:1

This denomination had it's roots in 1870 when Charles Tazewell Russell began a Bible study group.
Although he was correct in siding with soul sleep in the bible, he introduced a watered down form of predestination-for what would be named the Jehovah's Witnesses.
He mixed ancient pagan Egyptian measurements (such as the Giza Pyramid) with Bible prophecy to arrive at his prophetic calculations. His prophecies included that Christ had returned in 1874 as an invisible spirit being. That the world would end in 1914 due to the 2520 year prophecy (which
actually isn't in the Bible). Again in 1918, the 1920's, 1940's & 1975. JW's believe the world will end before the time the last person born in 1914 dies. It's been 101 years so that leaves a window of maybe the next 10-14 years at the most. (But in 2013 they changed this teaching).
They believe that 1914 was the year God anointed them the true church, and 1918 there was a special resurrection of the 144,000 to serve with God in heaven.
They also hold to an Arian view of the Trinity in that God is eternal, Christ was His first creation & only received divine status after the cross, and the Holy Spirit is a force God sends out. They only pray to God the Father, whom they refer to only by Jehovah, hence the name
"Jehovah's Witnesses". In 1961 they also re-wrote a new Bible (New World Translation) to fit their views. It's the only one they are allowed to use. They also don't celebrate Valentines, Christmas or Easter nor do they believe Christ was crucified on a cross, but rather on a pole.
Some of the stranger beliefs came from Russell's successor, Joseph Rutherford. He introduced the notion of not voting, pacifism during wartime, no blood transfusions, the resurrection of Abraham & Isaac to name a few before the end (to help lead the JW's in the tribulation time), and that the mark of the beast will be a global U.N. bank. Some of his personal bitterness toward the government stems form him being personally thrown in prison during WW1 for leading the church against the war and this is where he got sick and had to have a lung removed. So yeah, Rutherford led his church into an
anti-government mentality to include not holding public office, not saluting flag or voting. (Although some estimates are that maybe up to 15% of JW's vote anyway).
The JW's are tightly controlled from the top down by a group of elders called the Brooklyn Brethren. They set all policy & doctrine. JW's can only read approved literature. If the read anything else they are kicked out of the Church. Their main publication is called the Watchtower. About 1,100,000 members.

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