Wednesday, July 1, 2015

CHRISTENDOM Series: Hussites

(Mainline Protestant)

Hussites were the first real Protestants, from about a century before the Reformation-sort of a mini-reformation, that sprung up in Bohemia (Czech Republic) led by John Huss. Writings of John Wycliffe, the English "Morning Star of the Reformation", greatly opened the eyes of Huss.
Today the church has veered towards theological liberalism including women ordination.

Huss taught -
 The true church consists of those predestined to salvation; (Calvinism before Calvin)
 Christ, not the Pope, is the head of the church; 
 The Bible alone provides the laws on which church life should be governed.
Huss' followers broke with the Roman Catholic Church by using a Czech liturgy
and by distributing both the eucharistic bread and wine to the laity. 
 (It was the practice of the Roman Catholic Church to administer bread alone to the laity.)
In the iconography of the Church the chalice plays a major role, usually depicted in red, as it was used in the 15th Century
There is no veneration of saints as practiced, but images of saints are employed in the church decoration.

As for the execution of Huss---
"An Italian prelate pronounced the sentence of condemnation upon Hus and his writings. Hus protested, saying that even at this hour he did not wish anything, but to be convinced from Scripture. He fell upon his knees and asked God with a low voice to forgive all his enemies. Then followed his degradation — he was dressed in priestly vestments and again asked to recant; again he refused. With curses, Hus' ornaments were taken from him, his priestly tonsure was destroyed, and the sentence of the Church was pronounced, stripping him of all rights, and he was delivered to secular authorities. Then a tall, paper hat was put upon his head, with the inscription "Haeresiarcha" (i.e. the leader of a heretical movement). Hus was led away to the stake under a strong guard of armed men." Wikipedia - His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant:
Matthew 25:21

Moravian Church - 1457, the traditional church the rose up of Huss's followers following the Hussite wars against the Papacy. Has been in America since colonial times. About 40,000 members in America.
Unity of the Brethren - 1870, primarily in Texas, founded by Czech farmers. (many of the other Hussite Czechs were joining the local Presbyterian Churches-but some wanted their own church). Over 3,000 members.

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