Wednesday, July 8, 2015

CHRISTENDOM Series: Evangelical (Miscellaneous)

I am full of confusion;
Job 10:15

Advent Christian Church - 1860, started as part of the Seventh Day Adventist movement but split off to keep Sunday. They hold to soul sleep for the state of the dead, but reject the Sanctuary Doctrine of SDA's. About 25,000 members.
Calvary Chapel - 1965, a so-called "non-denominational "denomination" as an association of congregations. Belief in the secret rapture, some congregations practice the charismatic "gifts"-but they downplay emphasis on it. They prefer expository preaching (going verse by verse rather than by topics). They oppose gay marriage & abortion and believe in creationism.
In the late 60's & early 70's it was the center of the "Jesus music" movement. The Maranatha Singers came from this group.
Their founder, Chuck Smith, predicted the "rapture" would be in 1981. Then the dispensational pre-millennial 7 years of tribulation culminating in the end in 1988. Part of his reasoning was that Halley's Comet, scheduled to fly by in 1986, was to be part of the end time scenario. About 10,000 members.
Every Nation Churches - 1994, association of charismatic congregations who model their beliefs, style & structure after Calvary Chapel - but are hardcore into the charismatic "gifts"-yet with a more hipster feel. New members must go through a financial audit.

Grace Communion International - 1995, split off from Armstongism after the split of the World Wide Church of God. Under Armstrong's appointed successor, he led the church to reject Armstrong as a prophet, British Israelism, shifted from Sabbath keeping into Sunday keeping, rejected keeping the Jewish ceremonial rituals, accepted
women ordination, rejected the historic pre-millennialism of Armstrong, and allowed for the celebrations of Easter & Christmas-basically tried to makeover the church into a mainstream Evangelical church. They have also branched into a form of universalism (Based on the notion that all will get a 2nd chance at their judgment while before God to repent).
In this denomination, the President of the church has veto power over the board. About 50,000 members.

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