Monday, July 20, 2015

CHRISTENDOM Series: Convergence


Convergence Churches are about uniting the entire continuum of Christianity, and uniting it with other non-Christian religions in most cases.

And then if any man shall say to you, Lo, here is Christ; or, lo, he is there; believe him not:
Mark 13:21
John 17 Movement - a movement among Christians of various faiths, for the uniting of Christendom. This movement is the most Bible based of the convergence groups with the least amount of non-Christian sources influence. Recently Pope Francis referenced this group as a positive
Community of Evangelical Episcopal Churches - began as an idea that Christ had many "Streams" within Christianity. It is a Church designed to unite all Christendom. They include Catholics, Protestants & even Charismatics. Bishop Tony Palmer (now deceased), who Pope Francis had speak to a group of Protestants claiming to them that the "Reformation is over" was a member of this Church.
Emerging Church (also called Emergent Church) - a movement within Christianity that blends Catholicism & Protestantism with eatern mysticsm. Sort of like modern day gnosticism. They are well organized among the youth and have
sympathizers in many denominations among the young outside of their own movement. They call themselves "post-modern". They reject Bible prophecy as divisive. Their primary focus is "God is love" and so focus primarily on the 4 Gospels, mostly on the parables. Very theologically liberal with a focus on environmentalism. Usually meet, but not always, in peoples houses. Brain McLaren, Rob Bell & Leonard Sweet are some of the big guru's in this movement.
Cosmic Creation Churches - followers of Matthew
Fox, a fired catholic priest who was then hired by the Episcopalian Church despite his extreme radical views. This is a blending of ultra-liberal Christianity with paganism, neo-paganism of the GREEN Religion, and eastern religions. 
Basic belief is NOT pantheistic (God in everything) but rather pane-theistic (everything is in God) hence this "cosmic Christ" that Fox preaches that the universe is inside of. Fox recently said of the Irish vote to legalize gay marriage, that it is akin to a "new Pentecost" of the Holy Spirit, pouring out on the earth.

CHRISTENDOM Series Outline Link: