Wednesday, July 15, 2015

CHRISTENDOM Series: Christian Science


But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them,
2 Peter 2:1

Christian Science is a church started by Mary Baker Eddy in 1894. They believe that healing should be done by prayer-not by medicine. And that disease is a mental state-not a physical state. Mary Eddy taught that her religion was the final revelation of Christianity. God is sometimes referred to as "she" and heaven & hell are considered to be a state of mind. She defended Quimby (the man who laid the groundwork of mind healing) as being different from spiritualism (being occultic) . She claimed mental healing was a "spiritual science".

She claimed that, after falling on ice and being seriously injured, that she spent time reading of Christ's healings in the Gospel & believed He healed her.
They do not practice baptism or communion. They believe Christ is not a deity nor did He die for sins. They don't believe in "sin". Mary Eddy used 7 synonyms to describe the Trinity - Principle, Soul, Mind, Spirit, Life, Truth, and Love. She taught on the Trinity that God is one. That God the Father is also "Mother". That Christ was the "Son" of God, but not God. Rather just a bridge to show us "Father"/"Mother". And the Holy Spirit is the
Christian Science Church on earth healing & comforting people. She also rejected "creation", claiming the creation around us that we see is just an illusion.
Christian Science has 2 writings for Scripture--the Bible and Science & Health by Mary Baker Eddy considered to be equal to the Bible. Their church sends out from the "Mother Church" in Boston, a 26 lesson study for the year. One lesson each week, then repeated a second time during the year. The next year they send out the same 26 lessons, but re-written with maybe different Bible texts to reference or different quotes from Mary Baker Eddy.
About 200,000 members.

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