Thursday, July 16, 2015

CHRISTENDOM Series: Christadelphians


Casting down imaginations,
and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God,
2 Corinthians 10:5

Founded by John Thomas who left the Disciples of Christ Church, taking their current name in 1864. They split into 2 subgroups. One believes only the righteous will be raised at the resurrection. All others will forever remain dead. The second group believes that all who have heard the Gospel will be raised and judged, while all others will forever remain dead. (they believe in soul sleep). Their view of the Godhead is Unitarian but in an Arian sort of way. They believe in God as eternal and in Christ, yet Christ did not exist until His birth on earth. And the Holy Spirit is a power/force God sends out. Not an
actual being. They reject the sacrifice on the cross as crucial for forgiving sins, rather the ability to become like God is within each of us by following the Bible.
They deny the accrual existence of Satan. They believe evil exists simply from within man. They have no paid clergy and always hold a breaking bread service. They are pacifists and do not believe in voting. They are expected to follow a reading plan to read the Old Testament each year and the New Testament twice a year.
Their eschatology believes that after Christ returns, He will rule the world from Jerusalem. On social issues they are considered theologically conservative. Baptism is by immersion.
About 6,000 members.

CHRISTENDOM Series Outline Link: