Thursday, July 9, 2015

CHRISTENDOM Series: Armstrongism


And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.
Matthew 24:11

Movement started by Herbert W. Armstrong. Armstrong became a member of the Church of God (7th Day). He was eventually kicked out for some of his strange teachings. using the radio, he generated a following that became the Worldwide Church Of God (1934). At it's peak it had over 200,000 members. Armstrong claimed to be the end time return of the prophet Elijah.
He claimed to be a prophet, was a Sabbatarian, and taught British Israelism (the idea that the German tribes were of the Assyrians, 7 that the British Empire were of the tribe of Ephraim & America of the tribe of Manasseh. So he believed America, founded by the English & also a large German population, were the people of God).
Also, that the millennium will be here on earth, governed by the Saints. That the majority will be saved due to the judgment AFTER the resurrection. They will get a second chance. Also a strong believer in keeping the Jewish ceremonial days. Set up a system of 3 different "tithes". Believed in soul sleep. Ministers were required to eat at separate tables so as to avoid the laity because Armstrong thought familiarity would breed disrespect for the ministers by the people.
Before his death in 1986, he appointed his successor who would divide the church and lead a group to become Grace Communion International, which would switch to a Sunday keeping church & reject almost everything of Armstrongism.
His eschatology included the notion that Germany & the Papacy would control the Europeans, who would then conquer the U.S. & Britain, forcing them into slavery. During this time of trouble, faithful church members are to flee to the ancient city of Petra in modern day Jordan. After 3 & a half years, Christ returns to lead His Saints to victory over this new Roman Empire that conquered the U.S. & Britain. During the millennium, Christ & His Saints rule the earth & anyone who strays from will be
inflicted with plague. Then follows the 2nd resurrection for the wicked of the past, where they appear before the judgment seat and are given a second chance when presented with the Gospel truth.The only people that will really be lost are at a 3rd resurrection--for former members of the Worldwide Church Of God (WWCG) who left the faith. This sort of smacks of Mormonism & Jehovah's Witnesses eschatology to a degree.
Armstrongism has elements of a Sabbatarian/Evangelical movement, but strays in several ways into what constitutes "others" on the Christian spectrum. Such as a diverse view of the trinity, setting up God at the head, Christ as the head of the church, and Armstrong himself as 3rd in command as the human leader under Christ. He didn't believe the Holy Spirit to be part of the Trinity/Godhead, but rather a force God sends out. (called a Binitarianism). They also oppose participating in pagan-rooted holidays such as Christmas, Easter, New Years, Valentines, Halloween, St. Patrick's Day, etc. Also believed in Gap Creationism (gaps of many years between the days of creation).

After the split-up of the Worldwide Church of God, here are some of the divisions that still follow Armstrongism.
Church of God, the Eternal - 1975, split from the WWCG so as to celebrate Pentecost on a Monday rather than a Sunday. About 400 members.

Church of God, International - 1978, founded by Armstrong's son, Ted, who was excommunicated from the Worldwide Church of God by Armstrong himself for adultery, harassment of women & leadership quarrels. For the most part they follow Armstrongism, except rejecting the teaching of having to flee to Petra in the end times. About 2,000 members.
House of Yahweh - 1980, split from WWCG in Texas to follow "Buffalo Bill" Hawkins. Considered very cult like & dangerous by observers. Hawkins promoted rebuilding the Jewish temple in Jerusalem. They believe Christ was born a human then became divine at baptism. They also rewrote the Bible to remove things they view as pagan in it. He predicted a nuclear war would usher
in the end times in 1986, causing his followers over in Kenya to flee the country. Predicted again that it would happen in 2008. Hawkins pled guilty to child labor laws in 2009. Hawkins changed his first name to Yisrayl. He is accused of mind control and runs his organization in a similar fashion to the Church of Scientology. About 300 members.
Christian Biblical Church of God - 1983, followers out of the WWCG after pastor Fred Coulter, who uses some books by Ellen White of the SDA's. About 500 members.
Philadelphia Church of God - 1989, an early offshoot of the Worldwide Church of God, during the early days of drifting away from Armstrongism. Their primary trigger for their split
was when the WWCG voted to accept the Trinity.
Church of the Great God - 1992, followed a local pastor out of the WWCG during it's internal shift from Armstrongism. About 400 members.
Global Church of God - 1992, splinter group who personally followed Meredith out of the WWCG. Mr. Meredith was one of the first evangelists for the WWCG & had a personal following with the church worldwide. It is also a splinter group that has suffered the most loss recently. About 1,000 members.
God’s Church, Worldwide - 1995, prefer to use only Armstrong's writings and none of their own leaders. About 300 members.
Sabbath Church of God - 1995, small splinter group from the WWCG in North
Carolina when the WWCG broke from Sabbath keeping.
Independent Church of God - 1995, founded by Ron Dart, a radio evangelist for the Church of God, International, who left over sexual misconduct by leadership. About 1,000 members.
United Church of God - 1995, the largest offshoot from the aftermath of the Worldwide Church of God among those still adherents to Armstrongism. Their belief as to why there has been drastic shrinkage in the Sabbatarian Armstrong movement & keepers of the feast days, is because God has caused a rise in Messianic Jews (Jews who convert to Christianity but sometimes keep the old festivals). They teach that God has simply replaced His faltering Church with Jews to rise up and fill in these gaps. About 20,000 members.
Living Church of God - 1998, followed Mr. Meredith out of the Global Church of God
when he was fired by the board over leadership issues. About 8,000 members.
Intercontinental Church of God - 1998, small splinter from the Church of God, International which followed Herbert Armstrong's son Ted out of it's parent church over leadership issues & more accusations of sexual misconduct by Ted Armstrong. About 200 members.
Restored Church of God - 1999, followers of former WWCG TV evangelist David C. Pack of the Global Church of God who formed his own church. Strong believers in Armstrongism. One of the faster growing, but still small, splinter groups.
Church of God, Preparing for the Kingdom of God - 2000, small splinter church from the United Church of God in Toledo, Ohio. Their leader (Weinland) gathered a following who believed he was the end time Elijah. He predicted in 2008 that in 1335 days the end would begin........Weinland was indicted on tax evasion charges.
Church of God, a Worldwide Association - 2010, split from the United
Church of God.
End-Time Assembly - Followers of David Nix, who considers himself a living prophet. About 200 members.
Church of God, In Training for the Kingdom - add to Armstrongism the idea that praying for those in office is a sin. About 100 members.
Obedient Church of God - Their founder, Lawrence Nowell, has threatened to kill the disobedient. They have an online church. About 60 members.

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