Friday, July 17, 2015

4 Pillars of the SANCTUARY Entrance

And for the gate of the court shall be an hanging of twenty cubits,
of blue, and purple, and scarlet,
and fine twined linen, wrought with needlework:
and their pillars shall be four,
Exodus 27:16

What do the 4 pillars at the gate of the Sanctuary represent?

The pillars represent both truth & God's people-God's people with the TRUTH....
Truth-  ...which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.
1 Timothy 3:15
God's People- Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God,... and I will write upon him the name of my God,
Revelation 3:12

How does God know them?
Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure,
having this seal,
The Lord knoweth them that are his.
And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.
2 Timothy 2:19

What is this "seal" they have in the end times? Where is this "seal" found?
In His Sabbath commandment...... "The Sabbath commandment contains elements not contained in any of the other commandments. It states the name of the Lawgiver (LORD), His territory (heaven and Earth), and His title (Creator). These three components comprise what is known as a seal, and lend authority to the law." AmazingDiscoveries

The 4 pillars to the entrance of the Sanctuary were 3 pathways between the 4 pillars. (a pathway between each 2 pillars).
Christ said - Jesus saith unto him,
1- I am the way,
2- the truth,
3- and the life:
no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
John 14:6

Also, for the end times where else does God give us 3 paths of truth to the same ONE core TRUTH?
The 3 Angels Message of Revelation 14 for the end....
1) The Hour of His Judgment has come (the Sanctuary doctrine/Investigative Judgment). Also, it contains a repeat of the creation story right out of the 4th (the Sabbath) commandment.
Rev. 14:6,7
2) Babylon is fallen. Her cup of iniquity is full and reaches unto Heaven. Later in Revelation 18, God calls His people out of spiritual Babylon. Our mission is to call people out of Babylon to the truth for the end. Rev. 14:8/18:4,5
3) Identification of the Mark of the Beast (a counterfeit "Sabbath"). Rev. 14:9,10 (Those who follow God after the Mark of the Beast is implemented will have the seal of God & the others to will have a "seal"-the Mark of the Beast. ) And how is this remnant who opposes the mark identified? Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, Revelation 14:12.

Bind up the testimony,
seal the law among my disciples.
Isaiah 8:16

Hurt not the earth,
neither the sea,
nor the trees, (People-Isaiah 61:3)
till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads.
Revelation 7:13
* Also, the symbolism of the 3 pathways between the 4 pillars could represent the Trinity/Godhead, with each playing a role in the plan of Redemption laid out in the Sanctuary.
Christ- Outer Court (Justification)
Holy Spirit - Inner Court (Sanctification)
God the Father - Most Holy Place (Judgment)

"The great facts of
1) creation as presented by the inspired writers,
2) the fall of man,
3) the atonement, and the
4) perpetuity of the law of God,
are practically rejected, either wholly or in part, by a large share of the professedly Christian world. In rejecting the truth, men reject its Author. In trampling upon the law of God, they deny the authority of the Law-giver. It is as easy to make an idol of false doctrines and theories as to fashion an idol of wood or stone.No error accepted by the Christian world strikes more boldly against the authority of Heaven, none is more directly opposed to the dictates of reason, none is more pernicious in its results, than the modern doctrine, so rapidly gaining ground, that God's law is no longer binding upon men."
Great Controversy p.582,583 E.G.W. 
What do the 3 colors represent?
1-  BLUE - Blue is for obedience. The Law.
2- PURPLE - Royalty.
3- SCARLET - Sin but also the color of blood. His blood to cover our sins.
Blue Scarlet = PURPLE. Christ is worthy of the Royal title of King of Kings because He is both Lawgiver & the Sacrifice of His blood.
Also, YOU become Justified (outer court of Sanctuary by His blood sacrifice) then become Sanctified (change your ways through His Spirit & Word, hence you then keep His Law because your heart is right with God/Obedience) = prepared for the Judgment in the Most Holy Place (to receive your crown of Glory).

Preaching Justification (Grace) - Sanctification (Obedience) = CHEAP GRACE
Preaching Sanctification (Obedience) - Justification  (Grace) = LEGALISM
* More on the BLUE-
 In the Inner Court, where Sanctification takes place ( Table of Bread/His word =Bible study, Candlestick of Light = witnessing for Him, Altar of Incense = other words a changed life--Sanctification). These were covered with BLUE....(Blue = Obedience, Sanctification, a changed life).
And upon the table of shewbread they shall spread a cloth of blue,...And they shall take a cloth
of blue, and cover the candlestick of the light,...And upon the golden altar they shall spread a cloth of blue, Numbers 4:7,9,11
Notice that the whore of Revelation (opposite of God's people) does NOT wear BLUE....

And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:
Revelation 17:4 ....her scarlet would be for SIN, not for Justification by His blood. Her Purple would be that the (Little Horn of Daniel/Beast of Revelation) sets himself up as if he is God on earth (Blasphemy-And he shall speak great words against the most High, ... and think to change times and laws: Daniel 7:25 ). But this power doesn't really obey God--hence no BLUE covering.
The gold, which in Revelation 3, represents His righteousness, as with a counterfeit Sabbath, this system too has a counterfeit righteousness of their own works (like today preaching Jesuit Liberation Theology for the "poor" and saving "mother earth" from so-called climate change, Sunday Sacredness, etc.). It is currently defining it's own righteousness.
Its'precious stones would be that it is arrayed with the wealth, ways & things of the world.

"The angels are represented as flying in the midst of heaven,
proclaiming to the world a message of warning, and having a direct bearing upon the people living in the last days of this earth's history. No one hears the voice of these angels, for they are a symbol to represent the people of God who are working in harmony with the universe of heaven.
Men and women, enlightened by the Spirit of God and sanctified through the truth, proclaim the three messages in their order.

The enemy will set everything in operation to uproot the confidence of the believers in the pillars of our faith in the messages of the past,... Those who have a hold of the truth theoretically, with their finger tips as it were, who have not brought its principles into the inner sanctuary of the soul, but have kept the vital truth in the outer court, will see nothing sacred in the past history of this people.."
Selected Messages vol.2, p.389,390 E.G.W.

Thy way, O God,
is in the sanctuary:
Psalm 77:13