Saturday, June 20, 2015

IN the NEWS - Restoring the lost ascendancy?

And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.
Matthew 24:11
"The nations of earth will act upon a shortsighted policy. 
 Through their own course of action the priests and rulers
will restore the lost ascendancy of the man of sin."
Manuscript 127, 1897 E.G.W. 
"The world is embarking on its sixth mass extinction with animals disappearing about 100 times faster than they used to, scientists warned Friday, and humans could be among the first victims.Not since the age of the dinosaurs ended 66 million years ago has the planet been losing species at this rapid a rate, said a study led by experts at Stanford University, Princeton University and the University of California, Berkeley.

The study "shows without any significant doubt that we are now entering the sixth great mass
Green False Prophet Ehrlich
extinction event
," said co-author Paul Ehrlich, a Stanford University professor of biology.And humans are likely to be among the species lost, said the study -- published in the journal Science Advances."If it is allowed to continue, life would take many millions of years to recover and our species itself would likely disappear early on," said lead author Gerardo Ceballos of the Universidad Autonoma de Mexico.The analysis is based on documented extinctions of vertebrates, or animals with internal skeletons such as frogs, reptiles and tigers, from fossil records and other historical data.The modern rate of species loss was compared to the "natural rates of species disappearance before human activity dominated."It can be difficult to estimate this rate, also known as the background rate, since humans don't know exactly what happened throughout the course of Earth's 4.5 billion year history.

"We emphasize that our calculations very likely underestimate the severity of the extinction crisis because our aim was to place a realistic lower bound on humanity's impact on biodiversity."The causes of species loss range from climate change to pollution to deforestation and more. "There are examples of species all over the world that are essentially the walking dead," Ehrlich said.The study called for "rapid, greatly intensified efforts to conserve already threatened species, and to alleviate pressures on their populations -- notably habitat loss, over-exploitation for economic gain and climate change." JarkartaTimes
1- It should be noted that we have been documenting on here, that it is IMPOSSIBE based upon the science, for dinosaurs to be 66,000,000. This is based upon the finding multiple times of soft tissue, DNA, etc in dinosaur bones and now the finding of 14C in dinosaur bones located in different strata of the supposed evolutionary record.
2- Paul Ehrlich? You should be made aware who he is. He is the first FALSE prophet of the GREEN Religion stretching back to the late 60's. Every prophecy he made has failed. This includes an early on prophecy that by the 1980's, England would no longer exist due to environmental changes, etc. His laundry list of FAILED PROPHECIES are long. WHY is anyone in the media listening to him?
3- This is now the second major story we have documented along these lines to be picked up and reported by the media as serious and without a challenge since the release of the Pope's GREEN Encyclical. Expect more stories to be written to fear monger for the GREEN Religion. This is just the tip of the iceberg (no pun intended) on what's to come from the global warming crowd.