Tuesday, June 2, 2015

IN the NEWS - GREEN Intolerance

Use RICO Laws to Prosecute Global Warming Skeptics

 "That's right -- a sitting U.S. Senator is suggesting using RICO laws should be applied to global warming skeptics.

 Even among those who do agree that global warming is a problem, there's a tremendously wide variety of opinions about the practical effects. Who gets to decide whether someone is "downplaying the role of carbon emissions in climate change" relative to the consensus?
 Top men like Sheldon Whitehouse can make sure we don't hear anything that we don't need to hear about scientific research and legally punish anyone who publicly disagrees." WeeklyStandard

Now picture the Pope, pushing his soon-to-be-released GREEN Encyclical, and the world eventually moving towards setting up a GREEN "Sabbath" to set aside a day to reduce our so-called carbon footprint. And picture "Christians" setting aside this counterfeit Sabbath to appease the Father God. Now picture "Christians" enforcing a counterfeit Global Sabbath for the Father God with these INTOLERANT SECULAR LIBERALS calling for using the power of government to punish those who disagree with their "climate change" rhetoric to appease an angry mother earth.
You can see how the world can join together to implement a global persecution.
We now have a U.S. Senator who publicly thinks it's O.K. to use RICO Laws to punish those who disagree with his politics. 
 ...and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, 
Romans 1:25
Here is where you can give Senator Whitehouse a piece of your mind by clicking the link below...