Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Creation Moment 6/17/2015 - "Bright"?

The fool hath said in his heart,
 There is no God.
Psalm 53:1
"When asked to state the main difference between believers and atheists, Dawkins unhesitatingly quipped: Well, we’re bright”. Apart from the arrogance, let us make certain that we have grasped correctly his sentiment. In order to be an atheist, one must know that God does not exist. That means that one must possess evidence that proves that God does not exist. In fact, the atheist must know (and thus be able to prove) the following (see Warren and Flew, 1977, pp. 7-8,55-58):
1. Matter is eternal, having existed non-contingently, without a beginning.
2. Matter is all that exists.
3. Matter has always existed.
4. No one piece of matter is worth any more than any other piece of matter.
5. By sheer chance, dead matter became living matter.
6. By sheer chance, dead matter became conscious matter.
7. By sheer chance, dead matter became a human being.
8. By sheer chance, dead matter developed conscience.

But the atheist cannot know or prove any of these eight items! Even modern science acknowledges that the Universe is not eternal (see Miller, 2007, 27[4]:30-31). These eight are but a fraction of the insurmountable barriers to proving atheism." AP