Monday, June 1, 2015

Creation Moment 6/1/2015 - Doctors & evolution

"In an almost charmingly naïve article, Francie Diep at Pacific Standardwonders, “Why Do Some
Doctors Reject Evolution?” Her news peg is Republican presidential hopeful Ben Carson, a neurosurgeon who has expressed reservations about Darwinian accounts of evolution —
Miss Diep is perplexed: “We assumed such beliefs would be unusual among doctors.” Not so, she discovered.
[W]hen Pacific Standard talked to doctors, many didn’t find their colleagues’ rejection of evolution unusual. “Nope, it’s not uncommon at all,” says David Gorski, a surgeon and researcher at Wayne State University.

All of the physicians Pacific Standard talked with, both on and off the record, had the same answer to “How is it possible?”: Although doctors use many insights from biology, many don’t actually need to understand or believe in evolution correctly to do their jobs.Miss Diep rolls out the usual line about how evolution is vital to biology which is vital to medicine, ergo medicine needs evolution or ought to do so. But even some hardline Darwinists admit that the practical benefits of their cherished theory are scarce." EN&V
I have made the earth, and created man upon it:
Isaiah 45:12