Friday, June 12, 2015

CHRISTENDOM Series: Outline


For I know this,
that after my departing shall
grievous wolves enter in among you,
not sparing the flock. Acts 20:29

A: Catholic
 A1: Roman Catholic
 A2: Independent Catholic
     AB: Orthodox
                         AB1: Eastern Orthodox
                          AB2: Oriental Orthodox
B: Protestant
   B1: Mainline Protestant
   B1a: Anglican
    B1aa: Congregationalist  ********************
   B1b: Lutheran                                                          *    
   B1c: Calvinist ******************************
    B1ca: Presbyterian
    B1cb: Reformed
   B1d: Wesleyan
   B1e: Anabaptist
    B1ea: Mennonite
     B1eaa: Amish
     B1ea1: Hutterite
     B1ea2:Apostolic Christian Church
    B1eb: Brethren
   B1f: Hussite
      B1B2: Restorationist
   B2: Evangelical Protestant
    B2a: Baptist
    B2b: Holiness
     B2bb: Charismatic
       B2bba: Pentecostal
       B2bba(C): Apostolic
    B2c: Sabbatarian
     B2cC: Armstrongism
C: Other
  * Mormon
* Jehovah's Witnesses
* Unitarian
* Quaker
* The New Church
* Christian Science
* Christadelphians
* The Way International
* The Unity Church
* Gay Churches
     ABC: Convergence

___Some Dividing Lines____
Church Polity (organization)
1) Episcopal structure
Top down structure of bishops & priests who run the Church
2) Presbyterian structure
Elders elected by the congregation sent to a higher council who sets doctrine & picks clergy
3) Congregational structure
The local congregation rules itself & sometimes elects "delegates" to send to higher bodies

Eschatology (End Time views)
1) Amillennial
First, it teaches that the millennium is symbolic. It stretches from Pentecost until His return. The time of trouble is anything bad happening to Christians throughout history.
Second, they tend to claim most Bible prophecy was fulfilled during the time of the Roman Empire. So as a result, these churches rarely delve into Bible prophecy or hold seminars on such topics.
Finally, they tend to separate the Little Horn of Daniel (make him Antiochus Epiphanes) & the Beast of Revelation (make him Roman Emperor Nero).

2) Post-Millennial
First, they teach that the millennium (sort of a "golden age" of humanity) will happen BEFORE the return of Christ (hence the term "post") and is rooted in the writings of Joachim of Floris (1130– 1202), a Roman Catholic monk and mystic (although Catholicism rejects post-millennialism).
Joachim believed that there are 3 phases of ages through history divided by the Trinity. {Age of the Father/Old Testament--Age of the Son/New Testament--Age of the Holy Spirit/future time when the Spirit will be poured out on earth triggering a time of universal love. this is used by some to be the millennium.} So it begins when the last person on earth converts to Christianity. (Joachim predicted the year 1260 A.D. would be when it starts).

Second, they generally believe (but not all) that at the end of the millennium on earth that there will be a great apostasy, hence God returns to end it once & for all.

Third, they usually follow Amillennialism by separating the Little Horn of Daniel & Beast of Revelation in the same way (Antiochus Epiphanes/Nero).

Fourth, it caught on in colonial American and reached it's apex by the 1800's, especially in the U.S. The reason was because of the Gospel, piggybacking on the Europeans colonizing the world, that the Gospel would soon reach & convert the whole planet. It declined rapidly in the aftermath of WW1.

Finally, there is a sub-group, starting in the 20th century, with a theory called Domionism. It teaches that the Christian Church will come to dominate governments, thereby ushering in a millennium of peace, until the anti-Christ rises up to cause a war bringing about the end via the return of Christ. Christians will rise up as "Joel's Army" to accomplish the task. Christ will reign on earth for the millennium through His people.

3) Historic Pre-Millennial

First, they teach that the Bible prophecies unfold historically through time. The first generation of the Church believed this, including Polycarp, a disciple of John. This was called chiliasm.

Second, they believe that the "rapture" occurs at Christ's literal return, followed by the millennium (hence the term "pre" millennial).

Third, the more traditional historic pre-millennials believe that the Little Horn of Daniel & the Beast of Revelation are one & the same (Papal Rome).

The more modern historic pre-millennials tend to separate the two, with the Little Horn being Antiochus Ephiphanes & the Beast being the future anti-Christ, which some include the Papacy, or the European Union or even the U.N.

Finally, the more modern historic pre-millennials follow a rough outline of the dispensational pre-millennials (see below) as for a 7 year tribulation and all prophecies of Israel refer to literal Israel.

4) Dispensational Pre-Millennial ("secret rapture" crowd)

First, they believe in a disconnect in Bible prophecy, from basically the cross, until a 7 year tribulation kicks in indicated by a "secret rapture" of God's people.
Second, the disconnect the Little Horn of Daniel (they make him Antiochus Epiphanes) and the Beast
of Revelation (a future anti-Christ).
Third, during this tribulation, everything is centered on Israel.
Fourth, the world divides into 2 camps of those "Left Behind". Some turn to God, others reject Him & follow the anti-Christ who starts WW3.
Finally, the large majority of "pre-trib" who believe that the "rapture" will occur at the outset of the 7 year tribulation. A few are now "mid-trib" who teach the "rapture" will occur in the middle of the 7 years right before the anti-Christ destroys literal Jerusalem. And now a few are "post-trib" who don't believe in a "secret rapture", but rather that the "rapture" will occur at His return.

Soteriology (Salvation Doctrines)
I. Arminian
Free Will. You can be saved, lost, and come back and be saved again.
II. Predestination
Only the "elect" will join the Church to be saved, predestined before their birth. All others will be lost.
  IIa. Irresistible Grace
Watered down predestination....where God's grace is irresistible, despite you maintaining some free will. (Some use this in another way).
III. Once-Saved-Always-Saved
In the strictest sense, once you are saved, you cannot be lost. Although you had free will to seek out & come to God in the first place.
  IIIa. Preservation of the Saints
In a watered down "once-saved-always saved" offshoot, it carries the meaning that, as a believer, you can't be lost. But, IF one turns away from Christianity (like let's say you become an atheist or non Christian religion like a Muslim or Jain, etc.) then you can be lost. [It should be noted that this term is used in a different way among some so as to mean something different].
IV. Melanchthonian (also called Lutheranism)
Melanchthon was the successor of Luther. This belief is a middle ground between Arminian free will (but this view rejects the Arminian emphasis on you having any real role in responding to God) & the Calvinistic view (predestination where you have NO role). Some openly admit that how people come to God and are saved is a mystery, also referred to as a "paradox" known as the “Crux Theologorum”, or the Cross of the Theologians.
V. Spirit Baptism
Sort of a "once-saved-always-saved" view once you speak in tongues. It should be noted that most charismatics do NOT hold this view, only a small amount do.
VI. Sacramental
The sacraments of the Church can save you, such as mass, confession, last rites, indulgences, etc.
VII. Universalism
Everyone will be saved.
  VIIa. Pluralism
The idea that, although the Christian religion is closest to the true religion, others can still be saved through non-Christian religions (such as Hinduism, Islam, etc.) because this group believes that God is speaking to them through these other religions, which they believe contain an element of truth and simply are distorted by time from the Biblical God. In other words, there are many paths to "God".

Sabbath Views
A. The "Christian" Sabbath (called the "Lord's Day")
The transfer of the solemnity of the 7th day Sabbath of the 4th Commandment to the first day of the week, Sunday, because the resurrection took place on a Sunday.
B. Lutheran View
Pick a day, any of the 7 will do. Made popular by Luther.
C. Idealist
There is no more Sabbath to worry about. The whole concept was symbolic spiritually of simply resting in His Grace. So no day is any more sacred than another.
D. Sabbatarian
The 7th Day Sabbath (Saturday) of the 4th Commandment is just as much in effect as any other of the 10 Commandments....and has never been changed.

* The Apocrypha
The Apocrypha (known as some as the "Middle Testament", written during the Greek inter-testament
period of the Old Testament & the New Testament) is used by Catholics, Orthodox & Anglicans.
Catholics & Orthodox use it for doctrine and as part of the canon of Scripture. Anglicans use it only for examples in life--but NOT for doctrine.

*Cessationism versus Continuationism
Cessationism....belief that the charismatic gifts of the apostles ceased with them.
Continuationism.....belief that the charismatic gifts (tongues, healing, etc.) continue today
           Glossolalia- Used to refer today to the unintelligible utterances (aka gibberish) but sometimes in the Greek can mean a spoken, known language.
           Xenoglossia- Used to refer to the supernatural ability to speak an existing language without learning it, such as at Pentecost.

* Baptism
By Immersion & age of consent
By Sprinkling & infant baptism

* State of the Dead
Immortality of the Soul- the idea that when you die--you don't. Your soul floats off to heaven or hell & continues living.
Soul Sleep- the idea that you are dead until the resurrection.

Theology: Liberal vs. Conservative
Use cultural relativism as part
of interpretation. Reject Genesis 1-11
as history. Other parts of Scripture also
rejected, case by case by each individual.
Crept in at the turn of the last century.
Opposition to Modernism called itself
fundamentalist for holding to the
fundamentals that Scripture is the
Divine, inspired Word of God. Unless
stated in the text as allegory or a parable,
should be taken as literal.
Social Issues
Abortion: Not opposed, or at least no
Church discipline for members having one.
Gay Marriage: Not opposed to it. Some may 
also have gay clergy.
Women Ordination: Have female clergy.
Creation-Evolution Debate: Usually, openly
support theistic evolution.
Social Gospel: Preaches it in the name of the "poor"
& generally supports big government programs.
Green Gospel: Strong proponents today of using
the Bible for environmental activism.

Social Issues

Abortion: Opposed.

Gay Marriage: Opposed & no gay clergy.

Women Ordination: Opposed.

Creation-Evolution Debate: Usually Creation,

though some may leave it up to the believer among

the more "moderate" conservatives today..

Social Gospel: Generally opposed, or at least has

no emphasis on it---because it takes away from the

Biblical Gospel and puts the emphasis on man centered solutions

rather than changing the heart of man--from which many

problems stem in the first place.

Green Gospel: Opposed because, as with the "social gospel",

it takes away from time for the Biblical Gospel.
Also, some oppose the neo-pagan aspects of it. But some younger, more
"moderate" conservatives have flirted with it.