Saturday, June 27, 2015

CHRISTENDOM Series: Anabaptists / Apostolic Christian Church

Apostolic Christian Church
(Mainline Protestant / Anabaptist / Mennonite)

Beware of false prophets,
Matthew 7:15

Began with the conversion experience of Samuel Heinrich Froehlich in the 1830's, with the first Church in America in 1847. At first, they were nicknamed the "New Amish". He felt the Mennonites were becoming spiritually stale and needed revival. A fight with church leaders over the newer or older Heidelberg catechism led to his being kicked out of the church.
This was the start of his new movement. He taught that the persecution he underwent was part of the tribulation of Revelation.

---Main Church---
Apostolic Christian Church of America - Singing in church is in accapella, women are required to wear head coverings during worship, baptism is by immersion & men greet each other with a holy kiss. They also do public prayer with "thee" & "thou" when addressing God. About 13,000 members.

 German Apostolic Christian Church - 1932, separated in response to a letter sent by leaders in Europe who lamented that the American branch was not following truth. These do their service in German. About 100 members.
Apostolic Christian Church (Nazarean) - split to be allied with the European branch of the Church. About 2,000 members.
Nazarene Christian Congregation - split off in 1940's from the Apostolic Christian Church (Nazarean) over disputes about what to do with the church over in Yugoslavia in response to communism there.
Christian Apostolic Church - 1955, a more conservative faction of the German Apostolic Christian Church who split off.
Apostolic Christian Faith Church - 2012, withdrew from the Apostolic Christian Church of America because of growing theological liberalism. About 1,000 members.

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