Sunday, June 28, 2015

CHRISTENDOM Series: Anabaptist / Brethren

(Mainline Protestant / Anabaptist)

Greet ye one another with an holy kiss. 1 Corinthians 16:20

Brethren began in 1708 by Alexander Mack in Germany. They were influenced by Mennonite Anabaptists of whom they lived among for awhile before coming to America. They were nicknamed "dunkards"-for dunking by immersion in baptism. They were big on the holy kiss for greetings.

---3 Main groups---
In the late 1800's they split into 3 basic groups -
Brethren Church - 1883, the "progressive" wing, which advocated for missionary work,
giving up their distinctive dress styles, & started Sunday schools. Over the years they have become theologically liberal modernists. Began in Dayton, Ohio. About 6,000 members.
Church of the Brethren - they considered themselves the "moderates" during the split, mostly led by leaders from the Miami Valley of Ohio. They preferred at the time the simple, but less strict lifestyle, and holding to the traditional teachings. Their opposition military service began to wane by WW2. Today they no longer wear
distinctive styles of dress & allow individual congregations to set doctrines. As a result some congregations now go against church policy, such as gay clergy. Major emphasis is a "love
feast" on Maundy Thursday. About 122,000 members.
Old German Baptist Brethren - 1882, split to continue focus on lifestyle (similar to how Amish live-but many will use electricity or drive vehicles). They are Arminian, believe in the secret rapture and engage in foot washing services. About 6,000 members.

Seventh Day German Baptist Church - 1814, merger of several groups. Followers of Brethren doctrine who rediscovered the 7th day Sabbath. Also was the first vegetarian group motivated by Christianity in the new world.
Only 2 congregations left.
Old Order German Baptist Brethren  - 1921, split form the Old German Baptist Brethren in opposition to the use of automobiles. But will use tractors for farming. About 100 members.
Dunkard Brethren - 1926, split from the Church of the Brethren for doctrinal purity. About 900 members.
Grace Brethren - 1939, split from the Brethren Church as a more conservative faction of it. They wanted to stress eternal security (once-saved-always-saved)
pushing the eschatology of dispensational pre-millennialism (secret rapture) and did not want Ashland College to become a secular college.
Old Brethren - 1939, split from the Old German Baptist Brethren in opposition to them starting to use electricity for lights and the use of automobiles & telephones. About 100 members.
Old Brethren German Baptists - 1939, split from the Old Brethren over the use of alcohol & tobacco. (they reject it). About 100 members.
Conservative Grace Brethren - 1992, split from the Grace Brethren as a more conservative faction which wanted to hold to creationism, the secret rapture, and eternal torment of
the state of the dead.
Old German Baptist Brethren, New Conference - 2009, the main reason for splitting from the Old Order German Baptists was opposition to allowing information to be sent via emails & holding Bible studies outside the Sunday meeting times. About 2,000 members.