Thursday, June 25, 2015

CHRISTENDOM Series: Anabaptist / Amish

(Mainline Protestant/Anabaptist/Mennonite)
Wherefore come out from among them,
and be ye separate, saith the Lord,
and touch not the unclean thing; 2 Corinthians 6:17

The Amish began as a schism in 1693 among the Mennonites in Switzerland. The Amish were named after their leader, Jakob Ammann. They are much more stricter, and communal, than the Mennonites in their living standards. The Amish introduced foot washing as a ritual. Many Annabaptists are Amillennial on eschatology & Arminian in soteriology. Baptism is by the deacon pouring water into the hand of a bishop-who then sprinkles it 3 times on the head (for the Father, Son & Holy Spirit). Divorce is not permitted.
Most old order Amish speak Pennsylvania Dutch (a Swiss-German language dialect) except around Adams County, Indiana, where they speak Swiss German.
Amish buggies use black tops in Indiana & Ohio, gray tops in Pennsylvania & brown elsewhere.

---4 Main types of Amish---
Beachy Amish - they have no centralized structure, as a result, some groups differ in
characteristics. They participate in modern life for the most part. They no longer speak Pennsylvania Dutch. Moses Beachy, a bishop, was their founder, by allowing for the use of automobiles in 1927. in the late 20th century, they were caught up in a revivalist movement of tent preachers - and began to blend Amish, Mennonite & Evangelical Protestant thought.
New Order Amish - broke away from the Old Order Amish in the 1960's to form
Sunday Schools. But also to be more strict in the dating habits of the youth, which they thought the Amish in general were being to lax about. Some will use electricity.
Old Order Amish - reject electricity, modern living standards & dress, meet in houses for worship, hold worship services every other Sunday (the other Sunday is used for personal Bible study, etc.) and stop education at the 8th grade level. They have a publishing house in LaGrange, Indiana.
Swartzentruber Amish - split in 1917 from the Old Order Amish. They are very strict to the point of not even using gravel for their drive ways (too vain) so they have dirt drives. Also refuse to use orange triangles on their buggies (of which both the horse & buggy have to be all black to avoid standing out).

---other little splinter groups---
Byler Amish - 1849, use yellow tops for their buggies. Renno Amish - 1863, men are only allowed to wear one suspender. Troyer Amish - 1942, split from Swartzentruber Amish over the use of brim hats. They reject their use. Tobe Amish - 1940's, split from the Troyer Amish by opposing Amish to be able to communicate between sects of Amish. Andy Weaver Amish - 1952, split from the Swartzentruber Amish so as to allow alcohol & tobacco use.

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