Monday, May 11, 2015

TNR points to Genesis as History

TNR points to Genesis as a history book, not poetic prose or allegory.

TNR (True Narrative Representation) is used to weed through ancient texts to sort of historical writings from fiction.

When applied to the book of Genesis it gets a grade of 99.999%...meaning that it is a nearly 100% chance that it was written based on, and meant to pass on, historical events.

3 criteria of TNR:
1- Determinacy (whether the objects in the narrative are realistic)
2- Connectedness (the time sequential of subset events examined)
3- Generalizability (the reproducibility of events and/or exploring the evidence for residua if it was meant to be a one time occurrence)  

EXAMPLE applied to the ark......

Determinacy ...............The measurements are realistic and the design sturdy for such a catastrophe by all objective assessments. Also, it is calculated to have enough room to hold up to 16,000 animals.
Connectedness ........... The time sequence of events is realistic for the story and is supported by 9 literary devices.
Generalizability.......... Here we find the reidua of the one time event in the global fossil record, geology, biology, anthropology, etc.....

Now all these things happened unto them for examples:
and they are written for our admonition,
upon whom the ends of the world are come.
1 Corinthians 10:11