Saturday, May 30, 2015

SDA News - Sect of Kalupeteka Massacred

"Mr Kalupeteka, who formed his Seventh Day Light of the World church 14 years ago after being expelled from the Seventh Day Adventist Church, has thousands of followers across Angola." BBC
"The Seventh-day Light of the World sect was established by Kalupeteka in 2000 after he was *disfellowshipped from the Seventh-day Adventist church
on charges of practices that violate the standards of the church.
*Kalupeteka who has an estimated 3,000 members,
*has predicted that the end of the world will come on December 31, 2015
*and has dictated that followers to sell everything and move with him
to the mountains of Huambo province.
The members are scattered in several provinces around central and southern Angola."

"On April 16, nine police officers were assassinated in the São Pedro Sumé hill, Caála Municipality, central Huambo Province, by members of the Light of the World Seventh Day Adventist Church.
The officers were gunned down and beaten to death by the followers of the said sect, during an attempt to enforce a general attorney's warrant of arrest for the group leader, José Kalupeteka."

"Earlier today, the Reuters news organization published an account of the apparent massacre by reporter Herculano Coroado which began, "The only traces of thousands of Angolan Christian sect members who were camped in these hills are burnt-out vehicles, shacks pocked with bullet holes and bloodstains in the soil." AllAfrica

"Marques published a story in the Guardian that outlined the details of an alleged massacre that took place on April 16 in the central Huambo province at the hands of Angolan police. Angolan officials admitted that a confrontation occurred at hillside encampments of the Seventh Day in the Light of the World sect, where some 3,000 followers of its leader Jose Julino Kalupeteka were living. The sect's members, who have broken off from the Seventh-Day Adventist Church, are said to be waiting there for the end of the world.

The government of Angolan President José Eduardo dos Santos claimed the esoteric sect was "a
threat to peace and to national unity." Officials said that alleged snipers among the sect's flock had killed eight police officers, and that only 13 residents had died in a firefight. Marques, after speaking with sources in the police and military, painted a disturbing picture of government atrocities that went well beyond the official narrative.

"They told me how pilgrims were mown down indiscriminately, many of them praying to the end," he wrote, relaying what he was told by some of those who took part. "They all gave accounts of how makeshift shelters were set alight with people inside."
"These officers also told me how they bore witness to the filling of mass graves, dug by an excavator," he added.

Days after Marques linked to the article on his website,, the site was hacked and forced offline.

"It was a botched, ill-conceived operation that went completely wrong," Marques told VICE News.
"You had three thousand people sitting there, basically in prayers, and they started shooting at them as if in a military operation."
"They shot for over three hours," he said.

Hager said it's unclear why the sect was targeted by Angolan authorities, but noted the region is seen as a stronghold for the country's main opposition political party UNITAS, which claimed the higher death toll." ViceNews

"The Angolan government has in recent weeks been banning church groups, drawing criticism from rights groups who say the MPLA wants to monitor and control faith in a country of 21 million people where religion is influential.

Kalupeteka's popularity is demonstrated in Internet videos of outdoor sermons that show thousands of followers, including women and children, sitting on packed dusty hillsides.
"Mr José Kalupeteka was a bad man," Huambo provincial government spokesman Tony Mendes told Reuters during the visit to the Sumi hills." Yahoo

As for Kalupeteka.....

And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.
Matthew 24:11