Thursday, May 21, 2015

Papal Notes - GREEN Religion looks to Pope

"Is climate change real or simply a baseless theory? It's an issue that has been the source of countless debates on all levels. Even more so now that the Pope's encyclical on the environment is set to be released this summer. 

Former President of Mexico
"It's an issue that needs to be highlighted. A moral authority like the Pope is needed to dot all the i's.” 

Mexico's former president, Felipe Calderon, who serves as the Chair of the Global Commission on Economy and Climate, was one of the speakers who took part in a forum titled 'New Climate Economy.' It took place in Rome's Pontifical University of the Holy Cross. Politicians, business leaders and Church officials discussed why caring for the environment is not counterproductive to economic growth." RomeReports

1- The Pope is a "moral authority", accepted by the world? If so, what does that say as it relates to Biblical prophecy?
2- "New Climate Economy"??? We have been saying here that this GREEN Religion could be used for bringing the world together to form an image to the beast, a counterfeit Sabbath.
....and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
Revelation 13:15

From Steve Wohlberg..... "Recently, Pope Francis announced that he would address climate change in an upcoming papal encyclical. Is it possible that a growing environmental crisis and the ‘common good’ will be used as an angle to promote so-called ‘moral’ legislation that will include an enforced day of rest? It could easily be argued that if one day (Sunday) in seven was universally observed as a no-work day, that the resulting reduction of pollution from factories, businesses, and automobiles could reduce global warming significantly. Sunday legislation could be attached as a ‘rider’ to a larger piece of legislation which those who discern the danger of religious laws would be hard-pressed to resist." AdVindicate

"Heretofore those who presented the truths of the third angel's message have often been regarded as mere alarmists. Their predictions that religious intolerance would gain control in the United States, that church and State would unite to persecute those who keep the commandments of God, have been pronounced groundless and absurd. It has been confidently declared that this land could never become other than what it has been, the defender of religious freedom. But as the question of enforcing Sunday observance is widely agitated, the event so long doubted and disbelieved is seen to be approaching, and the third message will produce an effect which it could not have had before." The Great Controversy p.605 E.G.W.