Friday, May 29, 2015

Major Genres within the Old Testament

Major Genres within the Old Testament:
  • Foundational - stories about the origins of the world, the first generations of humans, or the early years of a nation, intended to provide a foundational world-view upon which people base their communal and individual lives (Gen, parts of Exod, Num, Deut)
  • Legal Codes - collections of laws and instructions by which the people are to live (Lev, parts of Exod, Num, Deut)
  • Genealogies - lists of inter-relationships between peoples, either of successive generations or of different nations (parts of Gen, much of Num)

  • Annals - historical narrative accounts of select events in a nation's life, focusing especially upon political and military exploits of its leaders, since usually written under royal sponsorship (Josh, Jdg, 1 & 2 Sam, 1 & 2 Kings, etc.)
  • Prophetic Books - collections of the oracles or words of God spoken to the people through human intermediaries (prophets) and the symbolic actions they perform at God's direction for the people's benefit (Isa, Jer, Ezek, etc.)
  • Psalms/Odes/Songs - poetic lyrics of songs/hymns intended for communal worship and/or individual prayer (Ps)
  • Prayers/Laments - words addressed by people to God, esp. reflecting situations of crisis or lament (Lam)
  • Proverbs - generalized sayings and aphorisms containing advice on how to live well: "do good and avoid evil" (Prov)
  • Wisdom Literature - various types of inspirational stories that encourage people to live wisely (Job, Wis, etc.)
  • Apocalypses - symbolic narratives that interpret historical crises through God's eyes (Dan) E.N.T.E.R.

All scripture is given by inspiration of God,

and is profitable for doctrine,
for reproof, for correction,
for instruction in righteousness:
2 Timothy 3:16