Tuesday, May 12, 2015

IN the NEWS - Hindu attack on Christians in Amtola

 "Church members have fled a village in northeast India after a vicious attack that seriously injured at least three Christians, including a 7-year-old girl.
A mob of about 100 Hindu extremists armed with swords, bamboo sticks and stones attacked Christians who were eating after a service at 8 p.m. on April 17 in Amtola village, Golpara District, Assam state, church leaders said. At least 15 Christians were injured, many of them wounded on their heads and upper bodies.
Right now there are no Christians in the village – all have fled,” said David Boro, a pastor in Guwahati. “The Christian families who were the main target of the attack are now in a safe-house after they were released from the hospital. The more critically injured are still in the hospital, and when they will be released, they too will join the others in the safe-house.”
The attackers did not even spare women and children but beat them mercilessly with the intention to kill,” Boro said." ChristianNewsNetwork
...they persecute me wrongfully; help thou me.
Psalm 119:86