Monday, May 18, 2015

Creation Moment 5/19/2015 - Dawkins Foolishness

I myself have seen a fool taking root,
Job 5:3 NIV
"Evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins took to Twitter on Thursday to proclaim that, though he makes it a habit not to hate ideological opponents, there’s an exception when it comes to young earth creationists who believe that God made the world thousands of years ago in a very short period of time.
I said I’d never despise individuals, just their views,” Dawkins wrote on Twitter. “But there are
limits, and YE Creationists who refuse to look at evidence pass mine.”
The responses to this proclamation were diverse, with some questioning why Dawkins would harbor hatred for those who merely share a differing view.
Dawkins also tweeted more specifically on Wednesday about his evolutionary views, once again linking humans to monkeys.
Modern monkeys are our cousins. We’re not descended from them. But we’re descended from ancestors which you could properly call monkeys,” Dawkins wrote. “We are African apes and we are descended (as are chimpanzees) from extinct African apes.”" TheBlaze