Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Creation Moment 5/14/2015 - Insect "Compass"

"A cluster of cells in the brain of a fly can track the animal's orientation like a compass, a
study has revealed.
Fixed in place on top of a spherical treadmill, a fruit fly walked on the spot while neuroscientists peered into its brain using a microscope.
Watching the neurons fire inside a donut-shaped brain region, they saw activity sweep around the ring to match the direction the animal was headed.
In some other insects, such as monarch butterflies and locusts, brain cells have been observed firing in a way that reflects the animal's orientation to the pattern of polarised light in the sky - a "sun compass".  BBC
And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, .... and creeping thing,
Genesis 1:24