Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Contemplative Spirituality leading towards Rome...

This Contemplative Prayer, Eastern Mysticism that made it's way into the Roman Church, now spreads----

"Anyone who has studied contemplative spirituality from a critical and biblical point of view for any length of time knows that those who practice contemplative prayer eventually begin to have propensities toward Catholicism. That makes sense given that the mystical prayer practice came out of the Roman Catholic monasteries (via Thomas Merton, Basil Pennington, Thomas Keating, etc) and dates back as far as the ancient Catholic desert fathers.  And it is a fact that the Catholic church is using contemplative prayer to “bring back the lost brethren to the Mother church.” In one article written by Ray Yungen titled “Contemplative Spirituality – the Source of the Catholic Church’s Expansion,” Yungen states:

I had always been confused as to the real nature of this advance in the Catholic church. Was this just the work of a few mavericks and renegades, or did the church hierarchy sanction this practice? My concerns were affirmed when I read in an interview that the mystical prayer movement not only had the approval of the highest echelons of Catholicism but also was, in fact, the source of its expansion.
If it is indeed true that practicing contemplative prayer can turn one’s eyes toward Romish thoughts and beliefs, then it would make sense that Bible-believing Christians would be greatly concerned about popular evangelical leaders who are promoting contemplative spirituality." LighthouseTrails

Listen to PROTESTANT "EVANGELICAL" TV Pastor James Robinson, from last year, who supports of the contemplative prayer crowd within Protestantism.....
"You will have the opportunity of hearing a personal word from Pope Francis on LIFE Today on Monday, May 5, on major networks around the world. One of his very best friends, Bishop Tony Palmer, whom we have supported in mission outreaches for years, shares the message that Pope Francis asked him to deliver to evangelicals and protestant believers. He made it very clear that he was seeking to speak from his heart and the heart of God to all of us who know and love Christ as our Savior and our Lord. I hope you will watch the program and encourage others to do so.
Please join me seeking the supernatural unity Jesus prayed for in John 17. This can lead to the next great spiritual awakening all of us recognize is so desperately needed." JamesRobinson

Therefore thou hast forsaken thy people the house of Jacob,
because they be replenished from the east,
and are soothsayers like the Philistines,
and they please themselves in the children of strangers.
Isaiah 2:6