Friday, May 1, 2015

4+3 = 7?

WHY does God use the #7 as His #?
For example, 7 days of Creation, 7 articles of furniture in the Sanctuary where the plan of Redemption is laid out, 7 Last Plagues, 7 Last sayings recorded of Christ at the Cross, 7 Churches of Revelation, etc....

Picture the Godhead (Trinity) as the 3 in the center that it all rotates around.

Now picture 2 points of 2 groups each (4 total) on each side of these 3.

These could represent the 2 groups involved in this Great Controversy between God & His opponent.

On one side the wicked (in 2 groups-angels & men) and on the other side the saints (in 2 groups-angels & men). So 2 groups of 2 = 4 total groups---rotating around the Godhead of 3.

So 4+3=7......
Just a thought............

For after seven more days I will cause it to rain on the earth forty days and forty nights,
Genesis 7:4

The symbolic #7?
1- wicked angels
2- wicked mankind
3- God
4- Christ
5- The Holy Spirit
6- loyal angels
7- The saints