Friday, April 10, 2015

The "Really" File - (Trailblazer?)

A woman shall not wear a man’s garment, nor shall a man put on a woman’s cloak,
for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord your God.
Deuteronomy 22:15
Trailblazing is cross dressing?

"At just 16, Jaden Smith has already cultivated a sense of style all his own. Recently, he’s been adding some more feminine elements to his look. “Went To TopShop To Buy Some Girl Clothes, I Mean
“Clothes,"” he wrote on Instagram. The results of his shopping trip? At least one black dress, which he was spotted sporting in California on Friday. 

But because this is America and it’s a guy wearing a girl’s article of clothing, the haters obviously had something to say about it. One called it “attention seeking behavior,” many just left
From the "Really" File
it “LOL,” and one graceful grandparent wrote, “I’m thankful my Grandchildren don’t act or dress like Hollywooders!” Yet still others are all about Smith’s latest look. One Twitter user said Smith’s his “spirit animal. Mike Basile posed the question, “Is it bad to say Jaden Smith is my hero?” 

In a time when fashion is become more fluid and genderless, let’s look to Smith as a trailblazer as opposed to an outlier." YahooStyle