Thursday, April 23, 2015

The "Really" File - (Kayne West Bible?)

This day is a day of trouble,
and of rebuke, and blasphemy:
2 Kings 19:3

"The man who co-wrote a novelty Bible that replaces the word
"God" with Kanye, in honor of iconic rapper Kanye West, says his book is not intended to offend Christians but rather to provoke thought and broader discussions about faith and culture.
The Book of Yeezus, which is a nod to West's sixth studio album, was initially thought by some to be a hoax when it appeared for sale online earlier this week but one of its three authors has confirmed its authenticity. The book recently sparked a firestorm of criticism and one of the authors has spoken out publicly for the first time in an exclusive interview with The Christian Post.
From the "Really" File
The author, who chose not to reveal his idenity, defended himself during a phone call with CP on Wednesday just days after critics took to social media to blast The Book of Yeezus as "offensive" and "blasphemous."
The book, which is described as a "Bible for the modern day," replaces every mention of God in the book of Genesis with the rapper's name but the author insists that it is not intended to mock Christianity. He said the purpose of the book, which retails for $20 via ETSY, is to "make people think," particularly during a time when more and more people are becoming obsessed with celebrity culture." CP