Sunday, April 12, 2015

SDA News - 10 Adventists Killed in Garissa Massacre

"Gunmen stormed Garissa University College, located in Garissa, Kenya on Thursday, April 2, leaving an estimated 147 people dead.  It is being reported that members of a terrorist group targeted and killed Christian students, including 10 Seventh-day Adventists. 
Among the dead was Eric Nyumbuto, the leader of the student-led Adventist Church on campus.
Stanley Rotich, a member of the local Garissa Adventist Church, reported he was in a nearby building when he heard the gunshots, which prompted him to call Nyumbuto. The conversation abruptly ended when the phone was disconnected. He later learned of his friends’ death.
One of the first policemen to respond to the attack was Philmon Okal, a Sabbath School Superintendent for the local Adventist Church in Garissa.
Several people have already been arrested in connection to the attack and the Kenyan government has promised to bring swift justice to all those involved.
This is the deadliest attack in Kenya in almost two decades. The group that claimed responsibility for the attack is the same group that committed the attack on the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya in 2013." ANN
For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders,
Matthew 5:19