Friday, April 17, 2015

IN the NEWS - Michele Bachmann on End Times

"Former Republican congresswoman Michele Bachmann stated that President Barack Obama’s
handling of the Iranian nuclear deal is a symbol of the coming of the end of times and the “imminent” return of Jesus Christ, during a recent radio interview.
Bachmann explained that if Obama and the United States turn their back on Israel, this would bring  severe “curses” upon the United States, similar to those seen in the end of days.
But, Bachmann is not afraid of the end of days, rather she says that “these are the most exciting days in history” because nothing is more important than the return of Jesus Christ.
We need to be so on fire right now about the things of Christ and the things of God, that needs to occupy our time and our thoughts virtually from morning to night because we have very little time — in my opinion — left before the second return of Christ. That’s good news!” the former congresswoman said. “The world is embracing degeneracy, but what that also tells us as we look at what the world is doing that they’re going according to God’s time clock. Pastors, preach it from the pulpit!” MintPressNews

She seems to hold the erroneous view of dispensational pre-millennialism, but at least she is right about the world "embracing degeneracy"....
Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot;
Luke 17:28