Sunday, April 5, 2015

IN the NEWS - Michael Savage Responds to Religious Freedom Law in Indiana

For God shall bring every work into judgment,
Ecclesiastes 12:14
"The big story is the religious freedom law in Indiana,” Savage said to his audience.

Of course, gays are screaming that it’s anti-gay, and the other side says it’s not, that it’s about religious freedom.

The details of the law aren’t important.

What’s important is the issue of a society that now rejects the premise of a God that will judge them in the afterlife.

That’s the real story.

The left doesn’t believe in a God of this life or the afterlife.

They believe they are the gods.

We’ve gone from a very religious society to one where pornography, sex parties and foul language are the norm, even among women.

Christianity is on the decline in America and elsewhere.

Into that void has stepped Islam, especially among people with low education levels.

That’s simply a fact." Michael Savage