Tuesday, April 21, 2015

IN the NEWS - Green Religion envoy to the World Bank?

"What is the most effective way to communicate [preach the GREEN Gospel] climate change? That was the central question posed at Communication for Climate Change 2.0, a roundtable discussion featuring clean energy experts, nonprofit leaders and advocates, sociologists and climate scholars. Rachel Kyte, Vice President and special envoy for Climate Change at
the World Bank, summed the problem this way, “The world is still telling a story of fright, and threat, and risk.” The story of freight, and threat, and risk, is a compelling one. Ironically, that is part of the reason why communicating climate change is so difficult. How can you talk about solutions and hope when the impacts of climate change get worse by the day? Well, you look for stories. You look for stories of people banding together to make their communities more resilient. " EarthDayNetwork
Notice---this global spirituality, the GREEN Religion, (also being pushed by Pope Francis) which is celebrating it's most important holiday today (earth day) has a special envoy at the world bank...
(See http://master1844-dc.blogspot.com/2015/04/papal-notes-francis-green-sunday-coming.html )

And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark,
or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Revelation 13:17