Monday, April 27, 2015

Creation Moment 4/28/2015 - 21 Fallacies of Evolution #19

"Intelligent design/creation is not scientific because it is not
‘testable’. After asserting this, the anti-creationist often goes on to present some ‘proof’ (such as ‘bad’ design;) that creation is wrong! It is either not testable and you can’t say that it is wrong, or it is testable, in which case it qualifies on that basis as science; you can’t have it both ways. Criteria that have been proposed to exclude creation as non-scientific, when applied consistently to evolution rule it as unscientific also. So if creation is not scientific, nor is evolution; if evolution is to be included as science, so should creation. Both are really matters of history, where experimental testing is not possible." CMI
The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.
Psalm 14:1