Sunday, April 26, 2015

Creation Moment 4/27/2015 - 21 Fallacies of Evolution #18

"Science would collapse without evolution—evolution is necessary for scientific progress (e.g. to understand antibiotic resistance and cure human disease). Some even claim that the whole of modern science including physics and chemistry would collapse without evolution, but this is clearly nothing but propagandist hype. Not only does microbes-to-mankind
evolution not contribute to understanding antibiotic resistance, evolutionary reasoning has actually seriously impeded scientific progress; see, for example, vestigial organs, as above, and ‘junk DNA’. Even some evolutionists have lamented the lack of practical usefulness of evolution. See (evolutionist) Jerry Coyne: “If truth be told, evolution hasn’t yielded many practical or commercial benefits.” And (the late) Philip Skell: “The Dangers of overselling evolution: Focusing on Darwin and his theory doesn’t further scientific progress”. See also Does science [including medicine] need evolution?." CMI
What is man,
that thou shouldest magnify him?
Job 7:17