Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Creation Moment 4/23/2015 - 21 Fallacies of Evolution #14

"The origin of life is not part of evolution. Those trained in the
sciences of life, such as molecular biology, know that the origin of life is a lost cause, so some want to put it aside as ‘not part of evolution’ because it is a gaping hole in the naturalists’ argument. However, almost every major university includes the origin of life as part of evolution in introductory biology courses. It is often called ‘chemical evolution’. High-profile evolutionists such as Richard Dawkins agree; This ‘dodge’ is pure obfuscation because the materialist must still explain the origin of life to present a coherent view of reality, regardless of whether they can play word games with the matter." CMI
In the beginning was the Word,
John 1:1