Tuesday, March 3, 2015

SDA News - Togo Prison Chapel Success

.....baptizing them in the name of the Father,
and of the Son,
and of the Holy Ghost:
Matthew 28:19
"Thirty inmates were baptized at a Togo prison chapel built by the Seventh-day Adventist Church after prison officials asked for help replacing a previous chapel that collapsed in bad weather.

The inmates took their stand for Jesus during a special dedication ceremony at the main prison in Lomé, the bustling capital of the sub-Saharan African country, Church leaders said Friday.

The chapel, which contains an outdoor baptistery, benches for 100 people, and electricity to run lights, fans, and a sound system, was financed with a $6,000 donation from the General Conference, the administrative body of the Adventist Church.

General Conference President Ted N. C. Wilson approved the expenditure from a special presidential discretionary fund after being contacted by the Adventist Church’s Togo-based Eastern Sahel Union Mission.

“Thirty souls sealed their covenant with the Lord through baptism in the new baptistery built with your donation,” Sélom Kwasi Sessou, executive secretary of the Adventist Church’s Togo-based Eastern Sahel Union Mission, wrote in a letter to Wilson.

The baptisms, conducted Saturday, February 21, were the result of an evangelistic series led by Bruno Amah, an Adventist member jailed in the prison, together with the Togo church’s Chaplaincy Ministries department, said Sessou, who headed a Church delegation at the dedication ceremony.

In addition, 120 inmates took part in a communion service during the ceremony."