Thursday, March 26, 2015

SDA Issues - the "physicians"

And a certain woman, which had an issue of blood twelve years,
And had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse,
Mark 5:25,26

Picture the "woman" here as the Church---and the many "physicians" as those who are trying to fix the Church for modern times......(the so-called "progressives" within the Church)

These "physicians" have----
A few of the self appointed "physicians"

 ATTEMPTED TO ALTER OUR BIBLICAL DOCTRINES  - (Creation, the Sanctuary, Spirit of Prophecy, nature of Christ, eschatology, Sabbath, etc.)

ATTEMPTED TO UNDERMINE DISTINCTIVE LIFESTYLE PRACTICES - (bodily adornment, clean vs. unclean meats, use of alcohol, divorce & remarriage, homosexuality, seriousness of Sabbath observance, etc.)

ATTEMPTED TO ALTER OUR WORSHIP - (introducing the music of the charismatics, borrowing the cheap grace sermons of the mega churches, pushing women ordination, the use of gimmicks, downplaying the doctrines, etc.)

ATTEMPTED TO UNDERMINE OUR PUBLISHING WORK - (printing books containing errors, printing of material not Bible centered in content, etc.)