Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Job's Rebuttle

Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him:
Job 13:15
"A man whose heart is stayed upon God is just the same in the hour of his most afflicting trials ...as when he was in prosperity, when the light and favor of God seemed to be upon him."
Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing p.32 E.G.W.
"When Job says, “Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him,” he answers both the slander of Satan and the charge of his three friends.  Satan’s accusation was that Job feared God only for his wealth and prosperity and good physical health, that God with these good things had put a hedge of
protection around Job, and that it was only because of this that Job feared God.  His claim was that, should Job lose all he had, God’s grace could never sustain and preserve him in his faith.  How ably Satan is answered in these words of Job, “Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him.”  Job is saying, “Yes, God has taken my wealth and health and family from me, yet I still trust Him.  And, should He go the next step and take away my life, I will still trust Him.”  In one sentence he silences the Devil. 
 This little word from Job also answers Job’s friends, who had insinuated that Job was a hypocrite, that all his trouble had come because he was hiding some great sin, which he needed to confess, and from which he needed to turn in repentance.  These words of Job are the best answer to their accusation, for no one but a sincere child of God would say this.  Would a hypocrite trust in God, when God slays him?" PRCA