Friday, March 6, 2015

Creation Moment - 3/7/2015 - Flipper Electricity

And God created great whales,...
and God saw that it was good.
Genesis 1:21
"Whales possess some remarkable traits that are the envy of engineers, and the dismay of evolutionists.
Flipper electricity:  Researchers mentioned in a press release from the University of Alabama aren’t concerned about evolution; they are looking at design–specifically, fin
structure in the humpback whale. “How can a humpback whale and a device that works on the same principle as the clicker that starts your gas grill help an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) fly longer and with more stability?” the article teases.

The secret is in the tubercles, the rounded bumps on lining the edge of the large flippers. The ungainly bumps might strike the casual viewer as mistakes, but they’re not. They have an outstanding function:
For anything under the action of fluid, two forces are created – a lift force and a drag force,” Ewere says. “For the humpback whale, these tubercles increase the lift and reduce the drag as it moves through the water. They are what enables it to breech [sic] the surface of the water.”

The university team is biologically inspired concept” to design new flow sensors and power supplies for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). A regular flow sensor will just tell you the magnitude of the wind, but this also shows you the direction.” Therefore, “Borrowing from the whales, the new device is used to harvest energy and can be employed as an airflow or fluid speed and direction-sensing device.” CEH