Thursday, March 26, 2015

Creation Moment 3/27/2015 - Shopping

FIRST - "It’s one of the oldest stereotypes, but it’s also probably
one of the most accurate: women love to shop. Well, not all of us love it, but many of us do. Men, on the other hand, don’t seem generally all that excited by the activity.
Back in 2013, researchers conducted a survey on 2,000 British people and discovered that men get bored with shopping after just 26 minutes. This is exacerbated if they’re feeling hungry or if they’re shopping with a female partner who can’t make her mind up. (We can’t imagine why.)
Women, meanwhile, are generally pretty happy shopping for around two hours before they start to get bored or stressed out. We tend to only get fed up when we can’t find what we’re looking for, when shops become too crowded, or when our other half starts moaning about being bored."


Second (now for the evolutionary psycho-babble) - "For hundreds of thousands of years, until around 8000 BCE, all human beings lived as hunter-gatherers—that is, they survived by hunting wild animals (the man’s job) and foraging for wild plants, nuts, fruit, and vegetables (the woman’s job).
Beginning in the Middle East, human communities began to switch to farming around 8000 BC, and slowly, over the following millennia, the practice spread widely throughout Asia and Europe. But after so many hundreds of thousands of years of living that way, it’s no surprise that hunting and gathering are still instinctive to us. And this brings us back to shopping—because these instincts may show themselves in our shopping habits. When most women shop, they are in more of a 'gathering' mode - browsing from tree to tree (or shop to shop) looking for ripe and nutritious fruit. They spend a lot of time examining the food, checking its freshness and edibility, and they discard quite a lot of it. At the end of the trip, they return home laden with a wide variety of food stuffs (or shopping bags)." PsychologyToday

Third (now for the socio-feminist nonsense) - "Polly Young-Eisendrath, professor of psychiatry and psychology at the University of Vermont, puts forward the theory that
today’s method of shopping is simply an offshoot of advertising and commercialism that was created by corporations to encourage women to feel in charge. 
This phenomenon began in the late Victorian era, well before women even had the right to vote. The advent of women shopping in stores gave the marginalized gender a chance to participate in a significant economic activity; a realm that had previously been reserved just for men."


Fourth (now for the real science of shopping) - " shopping
stimulates the release of the neurotransmitter, Dopamine and  hence shopping feels good and lifts one's moods.   Therefore shopping = fun.   Why this occurs in women more often than men?  I speculate that there may be some gender specific differences in our neuroanatomy/neurochemistry."

I'm Gonna go with the science & say it's a neuroanatomical/neurochemical difference between the genders--DESIGNED that way for a reason. Maybe not for shopping-lol, but still, shopping is due to a difference in DESIGN of the genders.
Our first mother "shopping" in the wrong Tree?
 Male and female created he them;
Genesis 5:2