Saturday, February 21, 2015

SDA News - Loma Linda Blue Zone

Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest in health,
3 John 1:2

"LOMA LINDA, Calif. -- Most of our health problems are said to be the result of three things:
   bad food choices,
        and unmanaged stress.
Therefore, it's no surprise Seventh Day Adventists live an average of 10 years longer than most Americans. They don't do any of that.
Take for example Benita Welebir. At age 100 she still enjoys a healthy mind, body, and spirit.
"I've given myself to the Lord, and I've left myself in His hands, and I have trust and I have been very, very well taken care of," she said.
'Blue Zone' Living
She's not alone. There is an unusually high concentration of centenarians in her hometown of Loma Linda, California. It's one of only five "blue zones" worldwide. 
Researcher Dan Buettner found these zones when he searched for where people live the longest. The others are
   Okinawa, Japan;
   Kria, Greece;
   Sardinia, Italy; and
   Nicoya, Costa Rica.
On average they live 10 years longer than most Americans.Dr. Larry Beeson,.....
"Adventists have approximately the same proportion of people who die of cancer or heart disease or stroke, but the age that they get diagnosed is much later," he said.
They strongly adhere to the belief of respecting the human body as the temple of the Holy Spirit. That means no alcohol, no tobacco, and following a plant-based diet.
Diet isn't the only factor in these longer lives. Seventh Day Adventists strictly observe the Sabbath.
Every week, beginning with sundown on Friday, they rest for an entire day. This allows them to recuperate from the week and recharge for the one ahead." CBN