Sunday, February 1, 2015

E.G.W. Prayer Series: Christ's Example

Signs of the Times 1886

"When Jesus was upon earth, and walked a man among the children of men, he prayed, and oh, how earnest were his prayers! How often he spent the whole night upon the damp, cold ground, in
agonizing supplication! And yet he was the beloved and sinless Son of God. If Jesus felt the necessity of communion with his Father, and manifested so much earnestness in calling upon him, how much more should we, whom he has called to be heirs of salvation, who are subject to the fiery temptations of the wily foe, and dependent upon divine grace for strength to overcome, have our whole souls stirred to wrestle with God."
And it came to pass in those days,
that he went out into a mountain to pray,
and continued all night in prayer to God.
Luke 6:12