Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Creation Moment 2/26/2015 - Medical Research Avoids "Evolution" Talk

A Darwinian Biologist Notices that Evolution Is Irrelevant to Medical Research

"Darwinist PZ Myers is shocked that medical researchers aren't invoking "evolution" regularly in their research papers:
The results of our survey showed a huge disparity in word use between the evolutionary biology and biomedical research literature. In research reports in journals with primarily evolutionary or genetic content, the word "evolution" was used 65.8% of the time to describe evolutionary processes (range 10%-94%, mode 50%-60%, from a total of 632 phrases referring to evolution). However, in research reports in the biomedical literature, the word "evolution" was used only 2.7% of the time (range 0%-75%, mode 0%-10%, from a total of 292 phrases referring to evolution), a highly significant difference (chi-square, p < 0.001). Indeed, whereas all the articles in the evolutionary genetics journals used the word "evolution," ten out of 15 of the articles in the biomedical literature failed to do so completely.

Darwinists use "evolution" because it's their creation myth and because its regular invocation is required by their thought police. Doctors and medical researchers don't use "evolution" because it's irrelevant to medical research. Fairy tales about survival of survivors contribute nothing to medical research, or to any other research." EN&V
And God said,
Let us make man in our image,
after our likeness:
Genesis 1:26