Sunday, February 22, 2015

Creation Moment 2/23/2015 - Penguin Taste

"Penguins can taste only sour and salty food, scientists have discovered.
A genetic study suggests the flightless birds lost three of the five basic tastes long ago in evolution.
Taste is critical for survival in most animals, but may not matter in the penguin, which swallows fish whole, say researchers in China and the US.
Many other birds are unable to taste sweet things, but they do have receptors for detecting bitter and umami (or meaty) flavours.
The discovery was made when researchers decoding penguin genomes found some of the taste genes were missing." BBC

So what we have here is NOT evolution--but rather a loss of genetic info in these birds-- the loss of the ability to fly and to taste certain things.
This indicates 2 things:
a) The penguins must have lost these genes at a very early stage after the flood before they multiplied rapidly.
b) And notice how something that clearly is NOT evolution--but rather the LOSS off  genetic info, is passed of disingenuously as "evolution"?

And God created...every winged fowl after his kind:
Genesis 1:21