Monday, February 16, 2015

Creation Moment 2/17/2015 - Hands for Tools

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness:
Genesis 1:26
"The ancestors of humans may have evolved humanlike hands that were precise and powerful enough to use stone tools more than a half million years before such tools were even developed, researchers
A key trait that distinguishes modern humans from all other species alive today is the ability to make complex tools. This capability depends not only on the extraordinarily powerful human brain, but also the strength and dexterity of the human hand.
In new research, the scientists looked at a major factor behind the power and precision of the human grip, which is the structure of the metacarpals, the bones in the palm. For instance, the third metacarpal, which connects the middle finger to the wrist bones, includes a little projection of bone called a styloid process that helps it lock into the wrist. This helps the fingers apply greater amounts of pressure to the wrist and palm than it would otherwise, for a stronger grip." LiveScience

--OR-- more likely, man had hands for tools, unlike animals, because man was DESIGNED with those hands then set about to make tools to assist himself in life....JUST STATING THE OBVIOUS