Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Creation Moment 2/11/2015 - How About?...

Hundreds of ‘Churches’ to Celebrate
‘Evolution Sunday’
as Others Celebrate
‘Creation Sunday’

Nearly 500 “churches” in the United States will commemorate Charles Darwin’s birthday this week with “Evolution Sunday,” but many other congregations plan to recognize the biblical Creator and celebrate “Creation Sunday” instead.
February 12, Darwin’s birthday, is commemorated each year by atheists as International Darwin Day.

However, many “churches” also plan to celebrate the birth of the notorious naturalist by following the advice of atheist Dr. Michael Zimmerman and hosting “Evolution Sunday” or “Evolution Weekend” events.

Since 2006, thousands of congregations that believe the Bible and evolution are compatible have observed Evolution Sunday and similar events. So far, nearly 500 congregations have pledged to recognize the event this year, with California, Pennsylvania, New York, and Ohio being the states with the most participating “churches.”

To counter the Evolution Sunday apostasy, many churches are planning to instead observe “Creation Sunday” as an affirmation of their beliefs in biblical creation. Tony Breeden, founder and organizer of Creation Sunday, told Christian News Network that biblical creation beliefs are important, because “evolution undermines the authority of God’s Word and the foundational basis of the gospel.”

And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it:
because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.
Genesis 2:3