Sunday, February 22, 2015

Book Review: The Untold Story: 100 Years of Hispanic Adventism 1899-1999

(short) Book Review: A book that may be of some interest....
(Review by Amazon)

The Untold Story: 100 Years of Hispanic Adventism:
by Dr. ManuelVasquez
510 pages Publisher: Pacific Press (2000)


"This is the account of the birth and development of the Adventist Hispanic work in North America. It is more than names, dates, and facts. It is the untold story of hundred of people; the contribution of Latinos to both society and the church; how the Hispanics are impacting the church today; and the challenge for young Latinos to continue to move the work forward into the 21st century."

"In 1913, Ellen G. White told Jose Abel Sanchez, one of the first Hispanic Adventist members in the North American Division: "It has been shown me that the Spanish work will be placed at the vanguard and march at the head of the cause of the work of God in the United States."

And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven,
having the everlasting gospel
to preach unto them that dwell on the earth,
and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,
Revelation 14:6