Monday, January 12, 2015

Papal Notes - Greening Jesuit

 Who changed the truth of God into a lie,
and worshipped and served the creature
more than the Creator,
Romans 1:25
From the Jesuit Post--- (about Pope Francis soon to be released Green Encyclical)

"1) It will build on the foundation laid by the previous two popes.
John Paul II often spoke out about the need to address issues related to pollution and global warming, and Benedict took this a step further in arguing for good environmental stewardship as a moral imperative during his World Day of Peace address in 2010. Benedict’s Caritas in Veritate made the case for protecting the natural environment for the sake of future generations. And let’s not forget Benedict installing solar panels galore and funding a small Hungarian forest to make the Vatican the world’s first carbon-neutral state!"
{a carbon neutral state? Have we not been warning about this? The link between the GREEN Religion and the mark of the beast}

"2) It will focus on repairing our relationship with the natural world.
It could be said that Bergoglio’s choice of papal name really set his green agenda. Francis of Assisi loved nature and is said to have preached to birds and animals; no one could accuse him of theological “Speciesism”."
{Theological Speciesism? Uhm...did Christ die on the cross to save the cows, dogs & cats too? I think not...}

"3) It will have a strong South American feel.
You can take the boy out of Buenos Aires, but you can’t take South America out of him. Commentators think that it’s highly likely the encyclical will be influenced by the insights of those working with people affected by environmental degradation, particularly in the Amazon region. Francis has apparently been corresponding with two prominent South American environmental advocates about the forthcoming encyclical. The first is Erwin Kräutler, Bishop of Xingu in the Brazilian rainforest. The second is the liberation theologian, and former Franciscan friar, Leonardo Boff."
{So this pope really is a political leftist along with everything that insinuates}

"4) It will make the link between care for creation and the preferential option for the poor.
Francis has often emphasized the fact that the poorest in the world are the worst affected by environmental problems like climate change, desertification and contamination. This theme connects with the ministry of Bishop Kräutler. Inspired by liberation theology, Kräutler was originally from Austria but started work as a missionary in the late 1960s, becoming one of Brazil’s most formidable advocates for indigenous minorities."
{So this Pope will be the bridge between the old red Marxist economics & the Green movement}

"5) It will examine the relationship between human and natural ecology.
Francis is likely to emphasize that the way humans treat the natural environment (natural ecology) is symptomatic of the way humans treat each other (human ecology). Francis is well known for his criticism of our ‘throw-away’ society. The ‘use it and chuck it’ mentality infects not just the way we treat the world’s natural resources but also our human relationships."
{If u use it, why can't u chuck it? Why is it any of the Pope's business?}

"6) It will emphasize that environmental destruction is a sin.
This pope has not been afraid to speak about sin, and his statements about the environment are no exception! During a speech at the University of Molise in July 2014, Francis said that unacceptable exploitation of the earth is a sin."
{WRONG!! SIN is breaking God's Holy law...not cutting down trees for a shopping mall}

"7) It will view environmental advocacy as an opportunity for dialogue and evangelization.
Like other aspects of the Church’s social teaching, environmental stewardship is fertile ground for forging partnerships with non-Catholic organizations and individuals.  It’s interesting that in one of his recent speeches from Istanbul on the theme of interreligious dialogue, Francis cited the natural environment as one of the “pillars” on which there should be solidarity between believers."
{How about evangelizing with the Biblical Gospel---not the GREEN gospel....and notice the use of environmentalism as a pillar for unity...again, using the GREEN Religion to glue the world together}