Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Creation Moment 1/7/2015 - Christmas / Creation Connection

"Christmas is based upon the biblical account of Creation as told in Genesis 1 being historically true.
God created a perfect world and perfect universe. He created all of life including man. His creation was so perfect that there was no death or suffering for animals or man.

The reason God created everything and man was so that man would worship and praise Him. But He didn’t want man to be a mindless race of robots that worshipped and praised Him because they were programmed to do so. He wanted their praise to be freely given and to accomplish that He made man with a free will to think and reason for himself.

However, that free will also allowed man to choose to go against God’s edicts and that’s exactly what man did. Eve succumbed to Satan’s temptations concerning eating the fruit for the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Eve went to Adam and he blew it for all of mankind when he decided himself to disobey what God said and willingly chose to eat of the forbidden fruit.

Adam’s disobedience was the first sin and it had devastating consequences. It created a spiritual separation between man and God. The perfect relationship Adam had was over. Not only was mankind now spiritually separated from God but Adam’s sin introduced death, disease and suffering into all of creation. From that day, Adam and Eve began to age and die.

From the very beginning, God had a plan to save His lost creation. In Genesis 3, He promised Adam and Eve that He would send His Savior to crush the head of Satan and restore our relationship with God. The only way that breach was to be bridged was for God to make the ultimate sacrifice Himself. All through the Old Testament, He tells us about this sacrifice and made numerous prophecies concerning the arrival, life, death and resurrection of His sacrificial Lamb.

 But think about it, the entire Gospel message is predicated upon a historical young earth, no death before sin creation.

If there had been millions of years of death and suffering before Adam, then how could death have been the result of his sin? When God warned Adam about eating the forbidden fruit, He told him that the day he ate of the fruit that he should surely die. If death had already existed in a creation that God called ‘very good’ then Adam should have considered death a reward and something to obtain, not as a punishment. If death was part of a ‘very good’ creation, they why did God require a blood sacrifice for the remission of sin and why did Jesus have to die upon the cross for us? Why did God and Jesus describe death as the final enemy if it was part of a ‘very good’ creation?

Whether you realize it or not, Christmas points straight back to Creation and straight forward to Resurrection Sunday. If Genesis 1-3 is not true factual history, then neither is the Gospel message of Christmas and Resurrection Sunday. Without a true Genesis, Christmas and Resurrection Sunday crumble in a heap of lies and fairytales." CreationRevolution
And I will put enmity between thee and the woman,
and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head,
and thou shalt bruise his heel.
Genesis 3:15