Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Creation Moment 1/28/2015 - Order from disorder?

"Many creationists argue that evolution requires order to come about from disorder—complexity to come about naturally from simplicity—in defiance of the Second Law of Thermodynamics (cf. Miller, 2013).

The evolutionist retorts that the Earth is not a closed system—localized pockets of order can come from disorder, as long as energy is added to those pockets (e.g., an orderly room can come from a disorderly room if work or energy is applied to the room). The evolutionist argues that the Earth is a system that is, in fact, receiving useful external energy (e.g., from the Sun). So, it is presumed that evolution could happen.

While it may be true that extra-terrestrial energy could cause pockets of order from disorder on the Earth, it does not follow that atheistic evolution could happen. As we have shown elsewhere, regardless of the extra-terrestrial energy reaching Earth,
*the evidence confirms that life does not come from non-life (Miller, 2012a),
*laws of science do not write themselves (Miller, 2012b),
*matter and energy do not last forever
*or spontaneously generate (Miller, 2013),
*and information is not added to the genome through mutations (cf. this issue of R&R).

Furthermore, while energy can sometimes bring about pockets of order from disorder, energy alone is not what is required. It must be the right kind of energy to do so. While the Sun can be an excellent source of useful energy, it can also be a dangerous source of serious damage—causing deaths, deserts, and damaged property."AP

All things were made by him;
and without him was not any thing made that was made.
John 1:3